Saturday, September 10, 2011

Style Icons 1: Layla and Jennifer Juniper

The Boyd sisters were young models in the 60's known for their relationships with famous rock musicians. Older sister Patty was at one point stuck in a bizarre love triangle with George Harrison and Eric Clapton, having songs such as "Something" (Abbey Road), "Layla" (Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs), "For You Blue" (Let It Be), and "Wonderful Tonight" (Slowhand) written for her.

Meanwhile, Jenny Boyd had caught the likings of folk-rock singer Donovan, who wrote "Jennifer Juniper" about her.  She would later marry Fleetwood Mac drummer Mick Fleetwood.

Pattie and Jenny
Black and White shot from the same shoot
Jenny and Patty Again

Jenny, 1966


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